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  • A place to talk about whatever you want

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    7 Posts
    Read about our development progress on NodeBB's official blog page.
  • This category is federated, and you can test federation against it!

    1 1
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Topics posted here are federated outward, meaning that anybody who follows the category of the user creating the topic (in this case, @admin) will be sent the post. In practice, here, this topic won't federated outward anywhere, since the admin user has no followers. You can, however, pull this topic into another piece of software, like Mastodon, Lemmy, PieFed, etc. by using the URL of the post: From there, you can like the post, reply to it, etc.
  • Anyone can posts here to test NodeBB, even guests!

    1 4
    1 Topics
    4 Posts
    Try this 1234
Welcome to the NodeBB demo instance!

This website is a demo instance of NodeBB that you can use to try out our forum software. It is a default install with minimal configuration changes.

For more information on this site, please check out this post.

This information is displayed via the Widgets system, available under the "Extend" menu in the admin control panel.